Hilkka Pietilä - Books in English

  1. Making Women Matter. The Role of the United Nations.
    Together with Jeanne Vickers. London 1990, second and third expanded and updated editions in 1994 and 1996. Zed Books, London.
  2. Engendering the Global Agenda: The Story of Women and the United Nations.
    Development Dossier published by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service, Geneva 2002.
  3. The Unfinished Story of Women and the United Nations.
    Development Dossier published by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service, Geneva 2007. (Profoundly expanded and updated 2. edition of the 2002 version.)

Hilkka Pietilä - Books in Finnish

  1. Syö elääksesi (Eat to your Health), Helsinki 1963.
  2. Ihmisen puolustus (In Defence of Human Dignity), Juva 1981.
  3. Vallan vaihto Naisen ajatuksia politiikasta, taloudesta ja tulevaisuudesta. (Shift of Power. A woman's reflections on politics, economics and future.)
    A collection of articles in Finnish, Helsinki 1988.
  4. Näkymätön näkyväksi. Naiset ja YK. (From Invisible to Visible. Women and the UN.)
    Ministry for Social welfare and Health. Series A: Research reports 2/1991. Helsinki 1991.
  5. Silmät auki Eurooppaan. Tietoa ja pohdiskelua Euroopan yhdentymisestä. (Looking at Europe. Information and discussion on European integration.)
    Kääntöpiiri, Helsinki 1992. Second updated and expanded edition 1993.
  6. Naiset ja YK. Vuosikymmenien menestystarina. (Women and the United Nations. A Success Story during Decades).
    Published by the Finnish Foreign Ministry/Edita, Helsinki 2001; Second updated and revised edition 2006.
  7. Mikä meitä yhdistää - ihmisyys ja perusarvot (What we have in Common - Human Dignity and Basic Values).
    PS-Publishing, Jyväskylä 2003.

In addition Hilkka Pietilä has produced hundreds of articles in Finnish in books and publications. Articles in other languages in publications and papers in international conferences total over 100.